Run to the East & Marie Curie Hospice visit

Organising Club: Masonic Historic Vehicle Club
Start Date: Saturday 1 April 2023
Start Time: 1300 hrs
End Date: Saturday 1 April 2023
End Time: 1600hrs
Location: Start Sprucefield Shopping centre

A car run from Sprucefield Shopping Centre close to Lisburn along the B23 Hillhall Road and A55 to visit Marie Curie Hospice , 14,Kensington Road, East Belfast to present a cheque for £350.00.  Then continue on to Ulster Folf Museum car park.

Fee: £5.00 pre car donated to charity.
Masonic Historic Vehicle Club
Desie Boyd

40, Orangefield Gardens, Belfast,  BT5 6DP

07990 501137